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[ # ] You will be back to end
March 24th, 2023 under Netflix

Netflix has some good news and some bad news for You fans. The good news is the show will be back for a fifth season. The bad news is that it will be the last one.

Peter Friedlander, Vice President of Scripted Series, Netflix, US and Canada, said, “YOU became an instant sensation on Netflix with a resounding cultural impact that has grown season over season. We’re excited — and a bit terrified — to see how it all ends for Joe Goldberg, but one thing is for sure: YOU are in for an unforgettable ending.”

You started on Lifetime, but it found an audience on Netflix. So much so it is one of their most talked-about shows!

And with it ending, we don’t have to listen to Penn Badgley complain about working on the series. So that is a win.


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