Seriously? OMG! WTF? » You can see everything on the NYC subway including wedding party!
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[ # ] You can see everything on the NYC subway including wedding party!
August 9th, 2018 under Weddings

The NYC subway is such an important part of the city’s central nervous system, you can see anything and everything if you take a ride on one. It is always an adventure.

Yesterday, when WSJ’s City Hall reporter Katie Honan was traveling back uptown to Grand Central, she witnessed an actual wedding party celebrating their nuptials in her car. Sergey & Marina were taking the public transportation up to Harlem with their friends and family, so the musician played some songs from old Soviet movies to keep the party atmosphere going.

How did the reporter feel about what she just witnessed? She said, “Dear @MTA, everything you have ever done to me is forgiven. I got on an uptown 3 at Wall Street and stumbled upon a wedding party. Now we are riding and celebrating. I love New York, I love New York, I love New York.” That is why you always hear people say, only in New York because what other city could you see something like this?

To the newlyweds, may your marriage last longer than train ride!


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