Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Yoda and Darth Vader tell you where to go!!!
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[ # ] Yoda and Darth Vader tell you where to go!!!
July 8th, 2010 under Star Wars

TomTom has enlisted some of our favorite Star Wars characters to voice their GPS systems. Darth Vader, Yoda and CP3O are joining Homer Simpson, Snoop Dogg, KITT, Dora the Explorer and Sponge Bob Square Pants as the famous voices that will tell you where to go. For $12.95 you can have Yoda where you need get. I wouldn’t mind having the Star Wars character giving me directions because their voices are so much better than the one that keeps yelling at me, “You are now off track. Rerouting.” Not my GPS, but the person I drive around for living.
Anyways back to Yoda and Darth Vader, take a few minutes and watch the two of them recording their voices for the GPS systems. The Yoda one had me in hysterics!!!
xoxo Mark!


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