Seriously? OMG! WTF? » WTF happened to Kenny Loggins?
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[ # ] WTF happened to Kenny Loggins?
October 4th, 2011 under Remember?

When I saw these pictures of Kenny Loggins at the premiere of Footloose, I had to look at older photos of him to make sure it was the singer because I totally didn’t recognize him. Seriously WTF happened to him that he looks so much more different to me then when he sang I’m Free and the title song for the original movie back in 1984.
I don’t know if I am more pissed by how different he looks or that he sold out and went to the premiere of the Footloose remake. I haven’t been this pissed since I saw Ralph Macchio and the Cobra Kais at the Karate Kid remake premiere. Namaste!


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