Seriously? OMG! WTF? » WTF, ABC messing with my DVR?
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[ # ] WTF, ABC messing with my DVR?
July 7th, 2006 under ABC

ABC wants MSOs (Cable companies) to disable fast forwarding on DVRs to prevent people from skipping ads. According ot MediaPost ABC and other networks have held discussions about the idea. Mike Shaw ABC President for Advertising sales came up with the genius idea and is hoping a deal will be reached soon before DVR use, currently estimated at 10%, grows more! The suits are hoping there won’t be much backlash because “consumers prefer DVRs for their ability to facilitate on-demand viewing and not ad-zapping”. They should also think about a way to disable channel changing when commercial breaks come on and straping viewers in their seats to prevent them from going to the bathroom because after all isn’t this why we use ad breaks for?!


I am blogging this while fast forwarding a few commercials on General Hospital. 




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