According to WBBM, 1 high school in the Chicago area has 115 pregnant girls or new moms out of 800 girls who attending the school. Seriously? WTF? Have these girls and guys not heard of condoms? Seriously?
WBBM interviews the principal and he seems to blame the girls’ home lives on the pregnancies and how their parents are not talking to them about sex. Yes that might play a part in it, but what about sexual education. Kids don’t always feel comfortable talking to parents about sex and when I was growing up we learned about sex ed in school. We were given condoms. Maybe if he gave out condoms at his school, they wouldn’t be building a day school for all these babies?
You know what Oprah Winfrey is in Chicago why doesn’t she take some of her millions and buy this school some condoms? And President Obama is from Chicago, he needs to overturn the abstinence-only plan that Bush put into place. Abstinence-only doesn’t work, look at Sarah Palin’s daughter and these 115 girls. Let’s be real kids have sex, but they have to be smart about it. I mean how many of us were virgins when we graduated HS, I wasn’t. But you have to be smart about it. Birth control isn’t 100% effective, but it is better than what those 115 girls were practicing,
Look I am not saying teens should have sex, but they should be prepared if they do make the choice. Because being a mom is not easy, but it is even harder when you are teen.
I know this is off-topic for this blog, but it is something I believe strongly about. So remember condoms are good, always have one that is not expired handy! I do!!!