Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Would you eat fried lobster tail and waffles?
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[ # ] Would you eat fried lobster tail and waffles?
March 27th, 2018 under Fast Food

We know that fried chicken and waffles surprisingly taste good together. What happens if you swap out the chicken for a lobster tail, would it still be as yummy? That is what Red Lobster is trying to find out with their new Crispy Lobster and Waffles.

Their Cheddar Bay waffles are served with a crispy buttermilk battered split Maine lobster tail and topped with sweet maple syrup and it just sounds so wrong. We know that lobster goes great with butter sauce, but maple syrup? No! That is against nature.

Now having said that, why do I so want to try it? Somehow mixing foods that should not go together actually like that sounds kind of good to me. Then I try it, and I am like there is a reason why no one ever mixed them together like that before now.

Are you going to try it?


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