Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Words of Wizdumb by Mark Hoppus!
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[ # ] Words of Wizdumb by Mark Hoppus!
October 12th, 2011 under Words of Wizdumb

(photo from WireImage)

We are used to hearing Mark Hoppus‘ thoughts in songs he has written for Blink 182 and with Twitter we get to hear them in a different way. Yesterday he gave us these Words of Wizdumb, “I’m starting to think this ‘I Love Pussy’ neck tattoo was a bad idea. :(” He’s right because if you are going to get ink like that, you should either get it on your tongue or your penis because those are the two body parts that appreciate it the most.
But when it comes to Mark he might’ve only had his tongue as an option because he also Tweeted this yesterday “DAMMIT!! This store is all out of extra-small condoms!!”


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