There is a sick and sad rumor going around Hollywood that Will Smith is looking to remake Annie and have his daughter Willow star in it according to the Press Association.
Dear Will Smith,
It was bad enough when you f*cked up The Karate Kid so your son could be in it. So why the f*ck why do you feel the need to f*ck with Annie. Please stop it and star in a good movie of your own again. I seriously can’t remember the last movie of yours I enjoyed because the last few have been major duds. And more importantly stop using your money to buy movies for your kids to act in and donate it to needy kids who don’t have a Daddy Warbucks!
Seriously? OMG! WTF?
To get through this sad news I will just listen to some of the awesome music from the original 1982 movie to sooth my soul…