Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Will Ryan Kwanten be one of Tom Cruise’s Lions for Lambs?
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[ # ] Will Ryan Kwanten be one of Tom Cruise’s Lions for Lambs?
December 27th, 2006 under Movies

Ryan Kwanten has proved the skeptics wrong. The former Aussie Soap star is now well and truly on his way to Tinseltown’s top. He just wrapped the lead role in [fellow Aussie’s] James ‘Saw’ Wan’s “Dead Silence”, and now, according to Dark Horizons, is on Robert Redford’s radar. (Once you’re on that radar, you’re on everyone’s radar – just ask Scarlett Johansson). Kwanten – affectionately known as ‘The V Man’ for his time on “Home and Away”; sure he likes being reminded of it – is apparently in talks to join Redford, Meryl Streep and Tom Cruise for “Lions for Lambs”. Redford directs the movie, which tells of a platoon of U.S. soldiers stationed in Afghanistan. Assumingly, Kwanten is in talks to play one of the soldiers. Not bad work if you can get it.

Moviehole (story) and Summerland Central (photo)

I really hopes he get the role because he so nice to watch!


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