Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Will Forte describes his tour of a Sex Toy factory!
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[ # ] Will Forte describes his tour of a Sex Toy factory!
December 4th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien, Will Forte

Will Forte’s show The Last Man on Earth films right next to a place that the last man on Earth would want to go to if he was the last man on Earth. You see, they film right next to Pipedream Products and they make Sex Toys.
A few months, Kristen Schaal was on Conan and she told him about the factory. When Pipedream Products heard about this, they invited Forte to their fort and he accepted. He did not go alone because he brought some of the people from the Fox sitcom. They were all granted a tour of the place and they got to see people make Dildos. He described it as, “There’s a person who pours the latex into the Dildo shaped mold. A big person who is in charge of cooling them down. Then there’s this very nice group of ladies who paint veins on there.” Stop the presses, I want that job!
Anyways, back to the tour. Next they got to watch a video of a woman getting her vajayjay molded and Forte wasn’t sure if the could say that on television. So he covered his mouth just in case he couldn’t, which was so sweet. Then when they were done, they all got gift bags that included Dildos, lube and nipple clamps! Guess which one of those MacGruber tried out?
Since Forte didn’t want Conan O’Brien to feel left out, he brought him a present from his tour. Although I am not sure the TBS late night host liked it.
You know what, I would like? I would love to go on a tour of Pipedream Products! How cool would that be? You know what would be even cooler? If Conan did a whole show from there? How hot and steamy would that be?


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