Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Wicked Tuna is wicked delicious!
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[ # ] Wicked Tuna is wicked delicious!
February 16th, 2014 under National Geographic

We love our tuna fish sandwiches and spicy tuna rolls, and tonight at 9p on National Geographic’s Wicked Tuna you will see how they catch the fish we love to eat.
In Gloucester, Ma several fisherman compete in a challenge to see who could catch the most and largest tunas. Sounds like it would be easy, but you will see how difficult it really is on the show. Each boat has their own technique to catch their prize and each one will work. Once they capture their tuna and weigh it, it is now time to bring it in to see how much it is worth per pound. If they get a really good catch, it is worth up to $20,000. So now you understand why they do this every day.
Wicked Tuna shows how competitive the world of fishing for tuna is, and who knew that is this way? You will enjoy watching just how competitive these fishermen get and they are wicked competitive.


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