Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Who will die on Harper’s Island tonight?
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[ # ] Who will die on Harper’s Island tonight?
April 23rd, 2009 under CBS

Two people died on last week’s episode of Harper’s Island and tonight at least one more person will bite the dust. Who do you think will meet their maker tonight? And do you think know who might be sending them there? I have no idea, but one thing I know for sure is I love love love this show! It is so different than all the others and each week I can’t wait to see who else dies an awesome death!
So even if you missed for the first four deaths, it is not too late to RSVP to your wedding invitation!!!

Who?: Harper’s Island
What?: A Killer Wedding
When?: Thursdays at 10p
Where?: CBS
Why?: Because this show is really really good with lots of great deaths!!!
Notes: Check out Harper’s Globe for more details!

SIDE NOTE: Jim Beaver (Supernatural) who is playing the sheriff there just released his autobiography Life’s That Way: A Memoir and I hear the books is truly amazing and inspirational!


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