Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Which Hollywood Blvd performer got his Masters degree from Harvard?
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[ # ] Which Hollywood Blvd performer got his Masters degree from Harvard?
May 22nd, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel

If you have ever been to LA and gone to Hollywood Blvd, you would know that there are people that dress up Hollywood icons like Marilyn Monroe, Chewbacca, Superman and more so that you can take a picture with them in order for them to make a quick buck. But did you know one of them got a Masters in Theater from Harvard? Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live they took their cameras to the street and asked those people dressed like our favorite celebrities and characters if they graduated from high school. Well as you can guess most of them did not, but one not only did he also graduated from Harvard with a Masters Degree. So I guess you can say that his Ivy League education served him well. Harvard must be so proud that the Michael Jackson impersonator on Hollywood Blvd is an alum.


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