Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Where out of work actors go to be rescued!!!
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[ # ] Where out of work actors go to be rescued!!!
July 11th, 2010 under Queer As Folk

Hal Sparks Tweeted this picture and said, “Allie got rescued today… and so did I ;)” Although I made fun of the Queer As Folk star because that picture made it so easy, he actually did a good thing. Sparks, his friend Richard Hunter and Operation Kindness rescued that homeless dog from a freeway in North Texas. According to DFW she has been a stray there for years, that was until she was rescued by them and now she is living in Operation Kindness’ no-kill shelter with Michael Novotny. If anyone knows someone that wants to adopt the pair, they can contact Operation Kindness. I wonder if Brian Kinney, Ben Bruckner and his mom Debbie gets dibs!


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