Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Where are Titanic and Lord of the Rings?
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[ # ] Where are Titanic and Lord of the Rings?
December 28th, 2011 under Oscars

AMPAS released the poster for the 84th Academy Awards and the theme of it is “Celebrate the movies in all of us.” Along with the Oscar statuette they included a photo of a picture from each decade that the Awards have been around. The movies are Forrset Gump, The Godfather, The Sound of Music, Gone with the Wind, Driving Miss Daisy, Giant (the only non-Best Picture winner), Gladiator and Casablanca. Looking at that list of photos where are the three movies that won the most awards in their years Ben-Hur, Titanic and Lord of the Rigs? I mean why Driving Miss Daisy over Rain Man? Isn’t sad that Gladiator is the most interesting and most memorable film to win in the last decade?
I think this poster shows just how out of touch the Academy Awards has pretty much been since Forrest Gump minus The Lord of the Rings. I wish that this year they could get more in touch with the average movie goer, but there really wasn’t anything worthy (minus The Help which will probably only win minor awards) in 2011. Sad, but looks like another snoozer year for the Academy Awards. Seriously can you remember what movie won last and the year before that and so on. I can’t.


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