Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Where is the safest place in America during a Zombie attack?
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[ # ] Where is the safest place in America during a Zombie attack?
August 18th, 2023 under Odd

Let’s be honest. We have all that discussion about what you would do in case of a Zombie attack. I would say the same thing I say to my boyfriend, and that is, “Eat me.” Because movies and television shows don’t make it look like it is worth it to survive.

While that is how I feel, Jeffbet did a study to find the safest place to be in America, and it is eerie, as in Millcreek Mall in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Wealth of Geeks says that malls are good places to seek shelter because they are “stocked with warm clothing, food supplies, furniture, and things to pass the time, such as bookstores, arcades, and even amusement parks.” I guess they have never seen Chopping Mall or Night of the Comet.

Back to how Jeffbet decided which mall is the best one to escape to. They based it on eight key factors: demand, infection risk, shelter suitability, food, weapons, medicine, mental stimulation, and the chance of rescue. Millcreek topped the charts because it has a pharmacy, a helipad, and it is near a hospital.

So if you live near Erie, then you know where to go. But would you go?


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