Seriously? OMG! WTF? » When did George Clooney get such bushy eyebrows?
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[ # ] When did George Clooney get such bushy eyebrows?
December 7th, 2011 under George Clooney

I guess now that George Clooney is dating an older woman (as in she is in her 30’s), he doesn’t care about his appearance as much and is letting his eyebrows grow out. Actually they are fake, it was something he did for The NY Times feature called Touch of Evil. But for a second how much fun was it to see what the Oscar winner will look like in a few year when age catches up to him? He will be perfect for Walter Matthau’s part in Grumpier Old Men! He does look extremely grumpy in that picture. You know like those few hours when he is single in between dating women that are old enough to be his daughter.


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