Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What would get Maury Povich out of retirement?
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[ # ] What would get Maury Povich out of retirement?
April 27th, 2023 under Maury Povich

Last year, Maury Povich decided to hang up his DNA tests and retire from The Maury Show after 31 years. So now, women all over the country are left to wonder who is the father of their baby.

Well, the beloved daytime host revealed what it would take to get him to television to do his talk show again. So what would get him to do it? He says, “Patiently waiting for a celebrity DNA feud I would come out of retirement for.”

Khloé Kardashian, bite the bullet and finally prove to us that O.J. Simpson is not the father. Which celebrity do you want him to get DNA from?


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