Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What is Jennifer Garner saying with this sweatshirt?
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[ # ] What is Jennifer Garner saying with this sweatshirt?
July 22nd, 2008 under Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner

Is Jennifer Garner wearing this sweatshirt to hide her rumored pregnancy? Or she is trying to tell us that Ben Affleck was not the only one f*cking Jimmy Kimmel? I mean if you do the math Jimmy and Ben came out around late February and that was about 5 months ago and she is rumored to be 5 months along. So could Jimmy and Jennifer have also been f*cking around that time and can he be the father? Joking!!!
Not sure we will know what she was saying with that sweatshirt, but what I know is I really want one of those Jimmy Kimmel Live! sweatshirts!!! 

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