We have heard the expression, “Are you Jeopardy Smart or Celebrity Jeopardy Smart?” I would tell people, “I am Pre-School Jeopardy Smart.” And there was a category on Celebrity Jeopardy yesterday that proved that I is right.
They had a whole category dedicated to Other Words for Doing It, and I am like, I am going to nail this! I can totally penetrate all the questions. But I did worse than a drunk virgin with the girl of his dreams. I had premature ejaculation. And that has never happened to me because I am a girl.
Seriously, that category was hard. And not in a good way. I was limper than a 90-year-old man trying to have sex without Viagra.
I am going to cry like the morning after a one-stand with the last guy at a bar for a reason.
I would Netflix & Chill, but it is getting too expensive to even do that. So I drown my sorrows in the same thing that caused me to sleep with that guy from the bar.