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[ # ] What is, how well do you know the characters who were unalived on film?
February 11th, 2025 under Jeopardy

Pop Culture Jeopardy had an interesting category on the show last week. Colin Jost wanted to see how well the contestants knew these five people who were “Unalived on Film.”

When I saw the category title, I thought it was going to be about Zombies. If it was, then I would’ve been the brains in the bunch, and the Walking Dead would have a lot to eat. But, alas, it was not. Instead, it was about people who were killed in movies. And because of that, the Zombies walked on by me because there were no brains for them to munch on.

I thought that this version of the game show was going to be easy, but it is not. That is so not fair.


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