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[ # ] What is Danny DeVito got his own Jeopardy category?
February 12th, 2020 under Uncategorized

Danny DeVito has been working nonstop in Hollywood for over 40 years. Therefore, there a lot of things about his life and career that would be perfect for its own category on Jeopardy. Yesterday, the actor got a whole row dedicated to him.

It was so easy; I got $3,000 at home. Then again, if it were a little harder, I still would have done just as well. I have been a huge fan since Taxi. On that note, why weren’t there any Taxi questions? Another good question would have been; he lived with this Oscar winner and future co-star in the late ’60s. What about, he posts photos of this body part on Twitter.

There are just so many good options, and they went the easiest clues possible.. That is why no one got any of the answers wrong. Didn’t you think it was too easy, or am I just obsessed with Louis DePalma?


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