Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What did Neil deGrasse Tyson destroy now?
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[ # ] What did Neil deGrasse Tyson destroy now?
June 27th, 2024 under Neil deGrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson is a renowned scientist who is so easy to love. However, he does his best to destroy things we learned in our childhoods.

For example, he demoted poor Pluto to a dwarf planet, proved that the sky in Titanic was wrong, and where Barbieland would be.

So what has he destroyed now? Ever since I was a little kid, I was told if we dug a hole through the center of the Earth, we would come out in China.

Well, the StarTalk host revealed that is not where we wind up. Instead, we would drown because we would come out in the Indian Ocean.

I don’t care what he says; I am still going to say it is China, and Pluto will always be the ninth planet in our solar system.

I have mentioned this before: I went to the same junior high school as him and had the same teachers, but we didn’t learn the same things. I also didn’t learn to dance from the teachers of our other alumni, Alfonso Ribeiro.


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