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[ # ] What celebrity do most horror fans want to see die in a movie?
October 24th, 2006 under Paris Hilton

Bosses of super flop movie, ‘House of Wax’ might be already considering a remake of the flick, after a survey of horror fans placed the films’ lead actress Paris Hilton as the celebrity that they would most like to see dead. The socialite-turned-actress/singer was killed off in the film, but fans want to see Hilton meet another gruesome end, according to a new Harris Interactive survey. She won last years’ Golden Raspberry Awards for the Worst Supporting Actress for the film. ‘The Simple Life’ actress was the choice of 39% of respondents, while her arch rival Lindsay Lohan finished a distant second scoring 18%. Meanwhile, in another poll about the top pairing for a "death match" The View’s Elisabeth Hasselbeck vs. Rosie O’Donnell (23%) took the first position. The pair beat off completion from the edging Freddy Krueger vs. Michael Myers (21%) and Heather Locklear vs. Denise Richards (19%). AMC commissioned the survey of nearly 2,500 people in honour of MonsterFest X, which began Sunday and continues through Halloween, reports USA Today.

New Kerala 

That was an obvious answer!


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