Seriously? OMG! WTF? » What answer made Steve Harvey stop Fast Money?
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[ # ] What answer made Steve Harvey stop Fast Money?
March 3rd, 2016 under Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey has been known to crack up uncontrollably on Family Feud, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him lose it during the Fast Money round. That all changed with one question, a question that would make any man laugh so hard to avoid crying. What was it? He asked David Jr, “Name a part of a man’s body that if hair were ripped from it it might cause him to cry?” The contestant being a man guessed, “his pen!s.” Even though the answer was expected, Harvey couldn’t control himself. He asked the producers to pause the game, so he could get his composure back. Once he did, he went on with the rest of the round.
Which was a good thing for the Clowes family because they wound up winning the $20,000.


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