Seriously? OMG! WTF? » WGN hangs up on Oprah Winfrey and lives to talk about it
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[ # ] WGN hangs up on Oprah Winfrey and lives to talk about it
September 5th, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey

WGN in Chicago extended their morning newscast an extra hour on Tuesday and their first guest was the Oprah Winfrey via a phoner. Well something went wrong and they “accidentally” hung up on her. That’s right they disconnected Lady O.
But it didn’t stop there, once the anchors on the station, that broadcasts nationally, realized she was no longer on the phone, the male anchors started to make fun of her. The one woman at the anchor desk, Robin Baumgarten, was so upset about what just happened, she went off on the station for f*cking up big time. She had every right because they hung up on the great Oprah Winfrey, and no one dares to do that and expect to live.
Well they can live, but she has the money to buy them out and fire them. I mean WGN has two of the same letters that are also in her own network’s name, so she could easily buy them and change WGN to OWN. Plus I am sure she would love to own a station in her beloved Chicago.
So how long until Harpo owns WGN? I am sure there is already a deal in the works.


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