Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Wayne Brady has the best coming out video
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[ # ] Wayne Brady has the best coming out video
August 8th, 2023 under Wayne Brady

Wayne Brady is a showman, so it makes sense that he would have a very showy video to announce that he is pansexual.

Yesterday, the Let’s Make Deal host lip-synched to Céline Dion’s It’s All Coming Back to Me with an epic dance number! And it was nearly perfect. Personally, I would’ve gone with Diana Ross’ I’m Coming Out.

Anyways, it is about more than that. He also explained why he came out. “As someone who gets to bring joy to others daily on tv, it’s been ironic that I don’t experience it as much as I’d like, he wrote. “I advocate mental health for all and a part of that is self transparency. In doing my work, I’ve come to see a few truths, one of them being that I want to be free to love whomever I want. This truth makes me Pan and part of the lgbtq+ family. It’s scary as hell to say out loud but here it is. The people I admire the most are the ones brave enough to be themselves unapologetically. This shouldn’t shake anyone’s world, but if it bothers you at all, that’s your business:) I was so afraid of having my manhood questioned, but screw that. A ‘real man’ in my eyes, isn’t afraid to be honest and happy. From now on, I’ll be over here living my best life!”

Hopefully, his coming out and being proud of the person who he is will help others to do the same! Shouldn’t we all be allowed to be happy and feel comfortable in our own skin?


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