Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name a way a woman knows her date is going in for a kiss?” Kris suavely answered his question with, “Well, Steve, I’ll say, when he adjusts his position to her.” We know what he means, Harvey knows what he means, but the judges don’t know what he means.
Therefore, the host asked him to explain it a little bit better. Not only did he repeat what he said, he showed us what he meant. Daphne and him assumed the positions as he smoothly moved his way towards, meaning he was ready to do one thing and one thing only! Go in for that kiss and she is willing to her laugh her a$$ off at him for trying that sh!t on national television.
But hey, he showed us how he does it. Ladies, how do you know your man is going for the kiss? I always knows because he lick their lips so sexily.