We know that sometimes when celebrities do movies, they need to get a plaster version of their head made. We have seen the after product, but what is it like when they are getting their heads sculpted? Nathan Fillion showed what it is like for an unknown project and it does not appear to be fun. It also looks like a long grueling process that proves to the individual if they have the endurance to sit still for several hours and not check their phones. I would have ripped the plaster off after 15 minutes, I could not sit still for that long.
BTW you have to give the celebs credit for being so trustworthy. I am such a sadist, I would call it a day after the plaster was finally on and go home for the night. I mean could you imagine if the actor is a jerk, I am sure the makeup artist is tempted to leave them there like that because the model cannot do anything about it since 98% of their head is covered up. That evil thought brought a smile to my face!
In all seriousness, how cool is it to see the mask process in its entirety?