Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Want to see why the Jonas Brothers couldn’t stop laughing?
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[ # ] Want to see why the Jonas Brothers couldn’t stop laughing?
November 29th, 2023 under Jonas Brothers

Emily Skaggs shared a video of Kevin, Joe, and Nick laughing uncontrollably at a recent concert. Want to see what caused the three brothers to get a case of the giggle, then

Musicians are used to seeing fans hold up signs during their shows that say things like “Love you,” “Marry me,” or “Have my baby.”

However, the Jonas Brothers were left in hysterics when a fan held up a sign that read, “I love anal!”

She didn’t need to flash her boobs to the former purity ring wearers to get their attention because that sign got her point across.

And with Joe being newly single he can find out if she is telling the truth. I wonder if he did.


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