Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Want to own something from Star Trek?
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[ # ] Want to own something from Star Trek?
December 1st, 2006 under Auctions, William Shatner

Missed out, did ya, on this summer’s fancy-shmancy Christie’s auction of memorabilia from all things Star Trek? Well, It’s a Wrap (the prop and wardrobe outlet, not the roll-up chain) and Paramount are hosting a new offering of out-of-this-world artifacts. This latest online auction, kicking off Stardate 60956.0 (aka Dec. 15) at eBay and, will feature items from Trek’s five series and 10 films, including Observation Lounge furniture from Next Generation, a Klingon Bat-Leth sword, and "hero costumes" worn by the likes of Spock and Picard. Get in on this one, gang, because from here on, all that’s really left is, like, an open jar of the foundation makeup employed by evil Kirk in "The Enemy Within."

TV Guide 

BTW next time you are in LA, you have to check out this store! It is great cheap clothes that was used in a movie or a TV show! Personally I love the jewerly!!!


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