Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Want to own a piece of Elton John?
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[ # ] Want to own a piece of Elton John?
June 27th, 2024 under Elton John

Elton John is cleaning house. And his trash can become your treasure.

The singer made some space in his closet in his Atlanta home. Because of that, you can own a piece of his clothing and help his charity, the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

So, if you want to wear his Gucci, Versace, and Prada clothes and accessories, then go to eBay now and bid on the 300 items he has listed! And we know he has some of them best fashion taste in the music business!

And you can help someone with HIV get the help they need.

Don’t wait too long to make a bid because the auction ends on July 7th.


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