Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Vote!
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[ # ] Vote!
November 4th, 2014 under SOW Greetings
Dear Americans,
Today is your day to vote. I don’t care how and who you vote for, I just care that you honor your right to vote and do it.
If you don’t vote, then don’t complain when you are not happy about the way things are going. You can make a difference, but only if you let your voice be heard by the people we elected to make a difference. If you aren’t happy with those people, then vote against them. If you are happy with them, then reelect them. Just vote!
Signed, the woman who moved and was too lazy to deal with the stuff I had to do to register in my district. So I will not be talking politics until I register to vote again.
And it is good thing I am not voting because, I would totally vote for that guy featured in that fake Jimmy Kimmel Live ad because I liked his ad.


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