Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Update on that Keanu Reeves paparazzi incident
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[ # ] Update on that Keanu Reeves paparazzi incident
April 12th, 2007 under Keanu Reeves

EntertainmenWise has an update on what happened the day that Keanu Reeves was involved in an accident when he hit a paparazzo who was standing in front of his car.

Seems he did not hit him at a speed that could medically possibly fracture a wrist, he at him a speed that was slower than someone walking. And in fact when he heard him cry, he parked his Porsche and checked on him.

I am glad that he was cleared of any wrong doing and I hope that the paparazzo involved was fired for trying to make himself a story or whatever he was trying to do.

(photo from Flynet Online

Thanks Gigi for the update. 



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