Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Two family statements for Spelling
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[ # ] Two family statements for Spelling
June 24th, 2006 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling

Even in his passing, the schism between Tori and Candy & Randy Spelling is evident by the separate statements they have both isued about the death of their father.

"I am grateful that I recently had the opportunity to reconcile with my father, and most grateful we had the chance to tell each other we loved one another before he passed away. It is a true blessing to have had a parent that loved me unconditionally and was always there for me. I am honored to be Aaron Spelling’s daughter. He had a heart that was as big as his talent and today along with many others I mourn his loss. He was a great man and even better father."  — Tori Spelling

"Our extreme sadness and grief is comforted by the overwhelming number of heartfelt calls we have received. We are truly grateful for the outpouring of love and sympathy expressed by so many friends and colleagues who knew Aaron. Our family is truly appreciative of everyone’s love and support." — Candy Spelling and Randy Spelling

I’ve been told that a planned memorial for Aaron is in the works by Candy & Randy, to be held at the TV Academy.

Army Archerd 


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