Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Two and a Half (million) Men?
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[ # ] Two and a Half (million) Men?
July 20th, 2006 under Chuck Lorre

Charlie Sheen got his Emmy nomination. Now he wants his reward. The star of the hit CBS comedy "Two and a Half Men" is about to demand a big hike in his paycheck, two sources familiar with the matter say, possibly to as much $1 million per episode, or $24 million per year. That would be about five times what the actor currently makes and would vault him into the stratosphere of TV’s highest-paid actors. The six leads of NBC’s "Friends" made $1 million apiece in that show’s final seasons. Sheen’s co-stars, Jon Cryer and 12-year-old Angus T. Jones, are also seeking fat raises, although neither makes as much as Sheen. The negotiations with Warner Bros. Television, the studio that makes "Men," are expected to start officially on Friday and could take weeks or even months to resolve. Technically all three actors are under contract at least through the 2006-07 season. But Warner Bros. earlier this month concluded lucrative deals to syndicate the comedy on cable network FX and elsewhere. The cast members are now coming forward for their share of the loot, some of which may be paid in the form of advances against future profit participation in the show. A Warner Bros. spokeswoman declined to comment. Calls to representatives for Sheen, Cryer and Jones were not immediately returned.

Channel Island 

I love this show, but I do not think he is worth a million an episode. Sorry Charlie! Now Chuck Lorre, he is worth a million an episode!





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