(photo from WireImage)
Yesterday Charlie Sheen was in Aspen, Co ready to work out a plea agreement where reportedly he would serve 30 nights in jail and 30 days of a work release at a local theater from the incident that happened there in December, but the judge rejected it. She then scheduled another hearing for July 12th and that could put Two and a Half Men’s production start date in jeopardy. According
THR Buzz production is set to begin the first week in August and if he were to serve the full 30 days in jail that would mean he would be at least two weeks late to work. So right now the #1 comedy on television is being detained by TV’s highest paid actor and there is nothing anyone but the judge in Aspen can do about it.
Gotta love Charlie Sheen first he keeps Warner Bros and CBS in limbo trying to iron out a deal to stay with a show, then they pay him sh!tloads of money and now he is keeping them guessing when they show will go back into production because of his private life. If I were CBS and Warner Bros, I would fine him the full cost of production for everyday they are forced to miss because of his personal life. I really hope they made him sign a morals clause on his new contract, it seems like a given with him.