Seriously? OMG! WTF? » True identities are reVealed on V!
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[ # ] True identities are reVealed on V!
May 11th, 2010 under ABC

Tonight on ABC’s V at 9p true identities are revealed! Erica finds out her son’s girlfriend is a V and she learns something else about Lisa. Erica also meets other people for the cause, while one of the fifth column meets someone you would never believe from the Visitors! Another one of the Vs is no longer under Anna’s bliss control and you never will guess who? Chad has a falling out with someone and will that change whose side he is on? We also learn why the Vs are after that other guy from the fifth column and it is good! What it is will change everything on the show.
Lots of good stuff is revealed on tonight’s V and you don’t want to miss any of it.


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