Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Trevor Donovan’s epic story about being carded!
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[ # ] Trevor Donovan’s epic story about being carded!
June 24th, 2019 under Trevor Donovan

Let’s be honest, as you get older, it feels amazing to be carded. It is a pain because you have to take out your driver’s license. Sometimes when you do that, other cards fall out.

That is what happened to Trevor Donovan. The man, who celebrated his 21st birthday for the 19 times, explained what happened to him over the weekend. He said, “Got carded at the liquor store. While getting ID an old Blockbuster card fell out. He laughed and said ‘Never mind.’ 😂”

Who knew that Blockbuster is more proof of age than your Read ID. I realized my old video store card is still in my wallet, so I cut it up because I don’t want anyone to know my real age. Like Blanche Devereaux, I keep it so secret that no one will ever find it out.

What other cards do you think dates you? Thankfully, Toys’r’Us is coming back because that would have been dating us all soon.

When it comes to Donovan, I can totally see why the clerk asked for his ID. He still looks the high school student he played on 90210.


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[ # 1261789 ] Comment from globe girl [June 25, 2019, 10:15 am]

He is Dorian Grey for sure

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