Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tonight’s American Horror Story: Asylum is on hellfire!
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[ # ] Tonight’s American Horror Story: Asylum is on hellfire!
January 2nd, 2013 under American Horror Story

American Horror Story: Asylum is back on FX tonight at 10p and it is this season’s best episode yet. Sister Jude is now a patient at Briarcliffe and she is going to be treated like one. That means some of the torturous means that she inflicted on the patients, when she ran the place, will be done to her. Now that she is one of them, she is going to bond with someone whose life she made hell.
Talking about hell, Sister Mary Eunice’s alter ego really comes out tonight. She does the unthinkable again and again, and she might’ve pushed at least one person too far. Will it be her undoing or will it give her complete power over all?
And then tonight a baby will be born, think you know whose baby it is? You will have to tune in to see in an episode that is starting to wrap things up for the finale!
Oh and since Ryan Murphy Tweeted this little spoiler, I will tell you that two people who have been in every episode this season will not be back next week…


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