Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Name something that a man has, that jiggles when he walks.” When he got to Erika, she had an obvious answer for the show. The only problem is that she personalized it with, “Well speaking of my husband, the first thing that came to mind, was testicles.” All he could do was laugh in the audience as she tried to apologize.
I would say she has the big balls in the family by giving that answer, but thanks to that answer we already know his are bigger. Poor husband. No one is going to look at him the same after that response. He will constantly have to tell them his eyes are up here.
Was it worth humiliating her husband on national television? Yes because the answer was up on the board. 14 people agreed with her but the game show called them nads/frog eyes. Have you ever heard of them being referred to as frog eyes before? I have not and now I will never look at them the same way.