Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This was some weird product placement on Days of our Lives…period!
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[ # ] This was some weird product placement on Days of our Lives…period!
May 7th, 2010 under TV Soaps

(starts at 5:16 in)

So yesterday I was watching Days of our Lives and what I saw left my jaw on the floor. It was a not a weird sex scene between Vivianne and Victor or an unusual pairing like Stefano and Sami or someone getting I like getting murdered, but something that happened between Arianna and her sister. Arianna was complaining to Gabi that she has cramps and she is tired, so she goes behind the bar and grabs a box of Midol (that the camera zooms in on) and tells her little sister, “It relieves the cramps. It relieves the bloating. I will be back to normal before we know it.” To which Gabi responds by saying, “I can’t wait, I would like my sister back.” Wow, is all I can say. I have been watching the show since I was a baby, and that is the most shocking thing I have seen on the Daytime Drama. I feel bad for Lindsay Hartley and Gabriela Rodriguez for having to act that scene, but they did a great job handling it.
I could say I never ever want to see that again on the Soap Opera, but if that product placement is helping to keep Days of our Lives on the air then I will suffer through all the product placements they need to..just like I have to suffer once a month for being a woman. And on that note, Midol makes my suffering a little less painful. Oh crap that product placement got to me.


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