Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This really puts the family in Family Feud, but not the way the show wants.
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[ # ] This really puts the family in Family Feud, but not the way the show wants.
May 7th, 2012 under Steve Harvey

Family Feud asks some questions on the show that sometimes leads to answers that are not very family friendly. Well now they asked a question that shows just how friendly a family can be. Steve Harvery asked, “When you were a kid name something you used as a partner to practice kissing?” Without hesitation the guy rang in and with his head down in shame he said, “Sister.” Well of course Steve didn’t let it go and I am sure neither will anyone that knows the contestant and his sibling.
But the best part of the whole thing is that he is not alone because several other people committed incest like he did. Boy am I glad that I am an only child after watching this clip.
Now when it comes to the rest of the answers, they were what everyone else used. What is the weirdest thing you used to practice kissing?


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