Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This pranks stinks like skunk!
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[ # ] This pranks stinks like skunk!
October 13th, 2015 under Pranks, TV News
One of the things you have to deal with when you are a morning news anchor is live animals, of all kinds, being on the show. The other day when Kip Smith from Wildlife Encounters of Gretna was on KMTV‘s morning newscast he decided to have some fun with the anchors, Mike DiGiacomo and Mary Nelson.
Smith brought out a skunk and explained to the anchors why they spray. As he was holding the little guy, all of sudden it appeared that the skunk was spraying them. DiGiacomo was so horrified, he got up and walked out. Then Smith revealed that he was holding a little water pump and the skunk didn’t leave his scent behind.
What a stinker. This might be the best prank that anyone has done during a newscast because it is something everyone fears when they see a skunk. So imagine what it must be like when you have to be all happy and composed and that happens.
I know I would not have been able to handle that as well as they did. I would have been cursing up a storm, live TV or not.


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