Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This news story is too much for me to bear!
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[ # ] This news story is too much for me to bear!
July 12th, 2013 under TV News

So there was a man in Rhode Island who encountered a big black bear outside his house and he was able escape from it. Thankfully he did because WJAR decided to do a story about it and they sent their best reporter Julie Tremmel to cover it.
Now the package itself is awesome, especially the part where he told her the cops asked him, “If he had time to change his shorts before they showed up.” Then he tells her, “Fortunately I did.”
Now that is great, but not really postworthy. What sold me on the story was the reenactment that Julie Tremmel did to show people what to do if you have come face-to-face with a bear. You just have to watch the :40 second instructional video she made to see why she deserves the Pulitzer for her excellent reporting. She is what the next generation of reporters should strive to be when they get out into the world of journalism.
Seriously, I thought this news report was joke, so I did my research and I found out it was real. I don’t know if I should be relieved or not that I found out it wasn’t faked.
xoxo Alison Arngrim!


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