Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This is my last tour, now this my last tour, no this is my last tour…
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[ # ] This is my last tour, now this my last tour, no this is my last tour…
June 21st, 2006 under Barbra Streisand

BARBRA STREISAND is reportedly facing legal action from angry fans after she announced her upcoming US tour – as they insist they paid a fortune to see her ‘last-ever’ performances nearly a decade ago. The furious former admirers of the superstar are planning to file suit on fraud charges. Streisand, who told fans she was quitting touring for good in 1999, kicks off her tour in October (06).

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Sorry I am so sick of musicians saying this is my last tour and it isn’t, so I am glad they are fighting back! 


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