Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This gives a whole new meaning to casual Friday!!!
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[ # ] This gives a whole new meaning to casual Friday!!!
April 8th, 2011 under Odd

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There is a company in The UK where all the workers are required to wear a suit to work every day…their birthday suit. And guess what they are hiring!
In 1977, Chris Taylor, a naturist. created Nude House and now he wants to expand his software company from beyond the 4 employees he currently has working there according to Buckinghamshire Examiner.
Do you want to work for this one of a kind company, here is a description of the positions that Nude House is looking to fill:

Salespeople – Girls and Men
We need lots of very attractive, nude young girls – 20 – 39. You should be a practising naturist. You will sell our sofware and will earn £500 plus VAT for each sale you make.
We also need attractive young, nude men to sell for us as well for the same rewards. These men need to be practising naturists.
You will be totally nude at all times in the Nude-House office. Write to [email protected] with optional photographs

Web-Coders – Girls only
We need a number of nude web coders to work on preliminary web pages for customers using the toolkit of facilities we provide them. The work is totally dependant on the customers having a need but you never meet the customers and they will not not know you are nude. We will pay you £2,000 each month for 5 full days per week.
You will be totally nude at all times in the Nude-House office. Write to [email protected] with optional photographs

I don’t have a problem with people working naked, but I couldn’t do it because imagine sitting in an office chair where everyone elses butt has been. I have enough problems going to the bathroom, I can’t imagine sharing chairs.


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