Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This Family Feud Fast Money is heartbreaking
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[ # ] This Family Feud Fast Money is heartbreaking
January 23rd, 2020 under Steve Harvey

The Fast Money round on Family Feud can go one of two ways. If you and a teammate get 200 points, then you win $10,000. If you don’t, then you get $5 for each point you scored.

Most of the time, it is a team effort. However, sometimes one teammate does all the work. Case in point, Lamont scored 187 points in his round. Therefore, it should be easy for Robert to score the remaining 13 points. It wasn’t. So much so, I don’t think the Allen family will be letting Santa Claus in their house for Christmas.

How could not one person say that Santa Claus is the best part of Christmas? I love Santa! I mean without him, who would give us the gifts we love so much? And how was family the #1 answer over presents? Who wants to see their family on the holiday? Especially the ones who give crappy gifts.


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