Seriously? OMG! WTF? » This 13 year old is smarter than Donald Trump!
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[ # ] This 13 year old is smarter than Donald Trump!
August 13th, 2015 under Donald Trump
Thirteen year old Molly Bergman wrote a musical letter to Donald Trump and she sings what most people are thinking to him. She tells him that he is embarrassing the nation and that he needs to take a vacation. Then after calling him a bully, she explains to him that it was fun at first but now he blows. This is all stuff I have been saying, and yet a teenager was able to turn it into a catchy song. One you will be singing until he finally drops out the race. Sadly, I thought that would’ve happened by now but it hasn’t. Who is left for him to insult before that happens?
When it comes to Molly, too bad that American Idol is ending before she is old enough to audition for it. I think she would’ve had a chance to win it all.


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